Over 100 new employees (including contract and temporary employees) join our company every year in past years and they are assigned to various roles to deliver better products to our customers at lower prices. In practice, groups of people who joined the company at the same timing attend a several-day new employees' training program together before starting work at their assignments. Therefore, every year our training team holds the same training course repeatedly more than 30 times per year.
We began to look into ways to improve the training program after realizing that the same trainings were repeatedly implemented and that the contents varied among instructors even though there were textbooks available.
In addition to training for new employees, we also provide regular training for our existing employees, but all of these courses were scheduled at specific timing, and there have been cases of employees missing the training due to work-related emergencies or absences.
So we decided to introduce on-demand video training to solve all these problems.
First, the members of our training team shoot videos, each up to 15 minutes long, and edit them to add subtitles and emphasis symbols.
Then, the videos are stored in a video storage application called EhTube (see image below), developed on Microsoft Office365, All of Office365 users at branch companies have access to the application from any where at any time, so they can take the training on their own time.

The videos are tagged (in yellow background at the bottom of the screen) by category, such as manufacturing, inspection, quality, safety, etc., for easy searching, and the viewers can give a 5-star rating and provide feedback through comments.
The system is also linked to a survey application that allows viewers to take a post-training multiple-choice tests to measure the effectiveness of their training in real time.

Today, a total of 85 videos (nearly 10 hours in total), including the following, are available on EhTube for “Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone" training.
How to perform a start-up inspection on an automatic CNC lathe machines
How to use a micrometer
How to write an inspection report
How to set up an automatic CNC turning machines
How to inspect cutting tools
How to measure cutting fluid
Product inspection procedures
In the future, we would like to translate into the local language spoken at the branches to make it an "at-a-glance" standard within the group companies.